Friday, September 23, 2011

Take a look at those chompers!

It finally happened- Ryan got his first tooth! It took about 2 weeks of red swollen gums, but it is Finally here!
It is still pretty small and you can't see it very well in pictures, but it is his lower left incisor. (There is a white spot on the picture, I don't know what it is, but ignore it.)
He also started eating finger foods, which is very exciting for me because it keeps him occupied while I clean up his lunch or dinner. :)
In other news Jeff and I are doing well. I was recently called as the Relief Society Chorister and as a member of the "Formerly know as Enrichment" Committee. I am slowly becoming a better chorister, but every once in a while I stumble and just look like a retard waving my hand around. The committee keeps me pretty busy, but I enjoy it. As many of you know, I love planning parties, so I feel like I am in my element. I really love the ward I'm in and have made so many great friends in the short time we've been here. All of the friends I have met both here and Ohio inspire me to be a better person. I love to learn from them and bask in their awesomeness :)
Meanwhile on the home front, Jeff and I are still on the hunt for the perfect house. We have looked at so many houses they seem to run together! We just recently made an offer on one and hopefully we will be able to work something out.
Here's hoping the next blog will be about our new home!

1 comment:

  1. I love this pic!!! He is getting so big, I can't wait to see him in a few weeks. Also, I helped my mom finish his Halloween costume and it is adorable!
